LOFTER for ipad —— 让兴趣,更有趣

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Set式Model-Read me (English)

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    Prohibited items

  1. ×Violating public order and good customs

  2. ×Political and religious uses

  3. ×Commercial

  4. ×Secondary distribution (with or without modification)

  5. ×Transfer/exchange models

  6. ×Sex conversion

  7. ×Using in works include insult original work or character/ bloody violence / R18 / pornography, etc.

  8. ×Use of VRChat, Virtual Cast, and other external running servers

  9. ×Contribute to websites other than bilibili youtube and nico (individual space or twitter are permitted)

    Permitted items

  1. Change mapping/height adjustment/larvae

  2. Replace or change clothing (please note the dressing bar)

  3. Increase expression/correct weights, physics, etc.

  4. Love performance (attention the measure)【BG/BL→ok】


By Set(空缉)

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