LOFTER for ipad —— 让兴趣,更有趣

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ID490534372 2018-10-20




















If you have any questions, please contact us at

Privacy policy

This game attaches great importance to the protection of user privacy. Before you use the services provided by this game, please read the following statement carefully.

In order to provide you with more accurate and targeted services, the game may use your personal information submitted in the following ways. However, the game will treat this information with a high degree of diligence, without your permission, the information will not be made public or provided to a third party.

Keep the information you provide.

This game will collect your personal information when you volunteer to choose services or provide information, and integrate these information to provide you with better user services. Please provide timely, detailed and accurate personal data at the time of registration, and constantly update the registration information, in line with timely, detailed and accurate requirements. All original keyed information will be cited as registered information. If the problems caused by the registration information are not true, you will bear the consequences accordingly. Please do not transfer or lend your account number or password to others. If you find that your account is illegally used by others, you should notify the game immediately. The game is not liable for illegal use of account numbers and passwords due to hackers or negligent custody of users.

The game will disclose your personal information in accordance with your wishes or legal provisions, and the problems arising therefrom will be your personal responsibility.

(1) get your authorization beforehand;

(2) only by revealing your personal data can you provide the products and services you require.

(3) according to the relevant laws and regulations;

(4) in accordance with the requirements of relevant government departments;

(5) to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the game.

(6) you agree to allow the third party to share information.

(7) we found that you had violated the terms of service or the rules of use of the game.

(8) We need to provide information to companies that provide products or services on our behalf (unless we inform you otherwise, these companies are not entitled to use your identity information).

Amendments to the privacy policy:

The privacy policy is often modified in this game. If there are any changes in the policy of using user personal information, we will notify the users in time.

Questions and suggestions:

If you have other questions and suggestions, please let us know.

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