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马龙——风云回顾系列(3.1)亮相:2003.9 - 2004
LiveLoveLife 2017-03-21

《第三阶段(上)—— 亮相: 2003.9 - 2004.12》

201392-7日,马龙参加了在印度海得拉巴举办的第9届亚洲青少年锦标赛 (9th Asian Junior Championships in Hyderabad, India): 


  • 这是马龙第一次在国际舞台上亮相。 

  • 本次比赛,马龙没有参加单打比赛,参加了男子双打和混合双打的比赛。

  • 男子双打亚军:马龙与郑长弓搭档获得亚军(输给了韩国组合Lim Jae Hyun和Jo Eon Rae),季军为张继科和杨晓夫。 

  • 混合双打亚军:马龙与范瑛搭档获得了亚军(输给了杨晓夫和彭陆洋的组合),郑长弓和李晓霞,李虎和李茜获得季军。

  • 男子团体季军 


925-28日,马龙参加了国际乒联世界青少年巡回赛新西兰公开赛 (ITTF World Junior Circuit - New Zealand Open)

  • 这是马龙第二次在国际比赛中亮相,参加了男子单打和男子双打的项目。 

  • 男子单打季军:在半决赛中0:4负于张继科(11-7, 11-8, 11-4,11-7)。

  • 男子双打冠军:与张继科搭档4:0战胜新西兰选手LOWE Nathan和YUEN Yi-Ching(11-6,11-8, 11-4)。 

  • 男子团体冠军

  • 国际乒联世界青少年巡回赛是专为18岁以下球手而设的青少年赛事。要获取参与世界青少年巡回赛总决赛的资格,运动员需要在世界各站的巡回赛中,以成绩获取积分,而国际乒联亦会于每个赛站后公布最新国际排名。在每年年终获取最高排名的十一位男女运动员,便可以获取参与世界青少年巡回赛总决赛的资格。2003年世界青少年巡回赛共有6站:

-      2003年2月1日-4日:埃及

-      2003年2月20日-21日:瑞典

-      2003年5月8日-11日:西班牙

-      2003年8月27日-30日:加拿大

-      2003年9月4日-7日:巴西

-      2003年9月25日-28日:新西兰

  • 2003年国际乒联世界青少年巡回赛总决赛在马来西举行。






(ITTF World Junior Circuit Finals & World Cadet Challenge in Malaysia)

  • 男子单打冠军

  • 男子团体冠军

  • 本次比赛马龙的表现非常出众:

    -      马龙的表现震惊了ITTF的记者们,其中一篇ITTF新闻报道则称马龙的表现是“pure magic”。本年度是马龙第一年参加国际比赛。马龙作为一名强大的右手持拍选手,步伐均衡,技术过硬,而强大的心理素质更是他最强有力的武器。(Ma is working on his first year competing internationally. The powerful right hander looks like the real thing with a balanced footwork, good technique and a strong mentality as his best weapons.)

    -      这位来自北京队的年轻选手对于自己在云顶高原的表现比较满意:“获得冠军并不轻松,我在单打比赛中拼尽了全力。虽然现在有点累,但是我很高兴。”(The youngster from the Beijing team was also pleased with his performance in Genting: "This was not so easy for me. I had to play my best to win in singles, right now I am very happy but also a bit tired" said Ma.)

    -      马龙作为新任国际乒联世界青少年巡回赛总决赛的冠军,已经在放眼今年将于12月在圣地亚哥举办的首届世界青年乒乓球锦标赛了(ITTF World Junior Championships)。“我接下来的目标是参加世界青年乒乓球锦标赛,目前我觉得教练对于我的能力还是有信心,所以希望我能够得到参赛的机会。”

     (The Cadet champion is already looking forward to the next ITTF event in the Global Junior programme namely the ITTF World Junior Championships inSantiago. "My goal now is to be selected for the World Junior Championships. Right now I feel that the coaches have confidence in my abilities, so hopefullyI will get the opportunity" Ma says.)

    -      本次比赛冯亚兰战胜丁宁获得女单冠军


1214-21日,马龙参加了在智利圣地亚哥举行的首届世界青年乒乓球锦标赛 (WorldJunior Table Tennis Championships)

  • 男子单打8强:马龙3:4负于韩国选手林载贤(LIM JaeHyun)止步8强。马龙苦战7局,以3比4,最后一局10:12的微弱劣势输给了林载贤 (9-11, 10-12, 8-11, 11-8,11-4,11-2, 10-12)。

  • 男子双打16强:搭档李虎,1:3负于加拿大选手CSABA Bence与KASSAM Faazil

  • 混合双打亚军:搭档曹臻获得亚军,0:4负于郑长弓和李晓霞 

  • 男子团体冠军

  • 相关报道:

    -      尽管男子单打成绩并不如意,但是第二轮击败了来自德国的头号种子选手Christian SÜSS。比赛开局SÜSS一度2:0 领先,马龙连扳3局,最终4:3赢得比赛(11-7, 11-7, 13-15, 7-11,8-11,11-6, 4-11)。

    -      马龙和林载贤比赛报道[1]:在四分之一决赛中,最难舍难分的比赛要数马龙和林载贤的比赛。今天稍早的时候,15岁的马龙淘汰了本次比赛的头号种子——来自德国的Christian SÜSS,但是面对林载贤,马龙的状态似乎并不好:韩国选手迅速以3:0领先比赛,似乎要毫无悬念地挺进半决赛。然而马龙迅速恢复状态,显示了超越年纪的成熟,并且将他正手技术提高到了一个更高的水平,迅速将比分扳平到3:3。然而在决胜局林载贤也迅速调整状态,将比分率先拉到9-6。而且接下是林载贤发球,胜利似乎已经在向他招手。紧接着韩国队叫了暂停,林载贤回来之后显然听取了教练的建议,发球得分10-6。但接下来,马龙连得4分,势头大盛。然而林载贤已经在国际乒联职业巡回赛中锻炼了2年,更丰富的经验让他深吸一口气,拿下了接下来的两分。林载贤的教练表示,面对马龙这样的选手,需要100%地认真对待。[一直不过审贴连接了:]

    -      ITTF记者对于马龙的评价 [一直不过审贴连接了]:

    -      男子团体:中国男队也以3比2险胜中国Taipei男队,夺走团体冠军。中国男队曾在小组赛中以3比0轻松击败中国Taipei队,但今天的决赛却要打得艰苦得多。中国男队决赛时开局不顺,来自Bayi队的李虎和山东队的张继科出人意料地丢掉了头两盘比赛,使得中国男队大比分上以0比2落后。但在第三单打的比赛中,夺得今年亚洲青年锦标赛单打冠军的四川小将郑长弓以3比0(11-4,11-3,11-6)轻松击败中国Taipei队的孙文伟。随后出场的张继科和李虎也毫不手软,分别以3比2险胜对手,中国男队从而以3比2反败为胜夺走冠军。中国男队在半决赛中表现出色,直落三盘击败了韩国队,这场比赛被认为是世青赛男团提前进行的冠亚军决战。中国男队最先上报给组委会的参赛阵容包括了国家队的一线主力邱贻可、张超等选手,但最终还是派出由郑长弓、张继科、李虎、马龙等更年轻的阵容参赛。






  • 马龙出场6次,收获1胜。尽管出场次数不多,马龙觉得超联为他这样的新人提供了舞台,如果没有打国际公开赛的机会再没有打超联,那一年下来也打不了几场比赛。

  • 这一年,马龙这个名字开始为球迷认识。 



623-26日,马龙参加了国际乒联世界青少年巡回赛 – 太原公开赛 (ITTF WJC Taiyuan Junior Open)

  • 男子单打季军 

  • 男子团体冠军

  • 2004年国际乒联世界青少年巡回赛共有7站: 

-      2月18日-19日:瑞典厄勒布魯公开赛 

-      4月29日-5月1日:阿联酋迪拜公开赛

-      5月21日-22日:新喀里多尼亚努美阿公开赛

-      6月3日-6日:波兰弗瓦迪斯瓦沃沃公开赛 

-      6月23日-26日:中国太原公开赛

-      8月22日-29日:加拿大温哥华公开赛

-      9月9日-12日:巴西圣保罗公开赛

  • 总决赛在于10月24日-31日在葡葡萄牙丰沙尔举行。

  • 相关报道:

    -      六月二十六日,2004年太原国际青少年乒乓球公开赛暨国际乒联世界青少年巡回赛在太原市滨河体育中心举行,来自中国、韩国、斯里兰卡等十六个国家和地区的十七支代表队近二百名选手参加了比赛。在决出的11枚金牌中,东道主山西万强队夺得其中的5枚。山西万强队夺得5枚金牌包括:男子团体(U-15)、男子团体(U-12)、女子团体(U-15)、女子单打(U-12)和男子单打(U-12)。另外6枚金牌的分布为:中国队获得4块,即男子团体(U-18)、女子团体(U-18)、男子单打(U-18)和女子单打(U-18);韩国获得男子单打(U-15)冠军;印度选手夺得女子单打(U-12)第一名。中国、韩国、罗马尼亚、约旦、斯里兰卡以及中国香港和中国澳门等14个国家和地区的140多名运动员参加了比赛。其中,印度和斯里兰卡队的参赛热情特别高,分别派出20多名队员前来参赛。这次比赛的重头戏是男、女18岁以下组的比赛。太原是国际青少年乒乓球公开赛中的一站,冠军将有资格参加总决赛。

    -      中国队在上届冠军李虎和他强大的队友马龙的带领下3:0横扫中国Taipei队。(The Chinese National Junior Team selection showed no mercy at all whenthe team event concluded in Taiyuan late Friday evening. The boy’s team led bythe World Junior Champion Li Hu and highly skilled companion Ma Long, marchedthrough the knock out stage without giving up one single match point, beating astrong Chinese Taipei team 3/0 in the final.)

 (图为马龙参加世界青少年巡回赛 – 太原公开赛)

719 - 24日,马龙参加了在印度新德里举行的10届亚洲青少年锦标赛(10th AsianJunior Championships in New Delhi, India) 

  • 男子单打冠军:决赛马龙4:1战胜张继科。

  • 男子双打亚军:搭档林晨获得亚军,负于队友张继科和江天一 

  • 混合双打冠军:搭档蔡赛获得冠军,战胜队友张继科和丁宁

  • 男子团体冠军






  • 男子单打亚军:马龙第一次参加全锦赛就获得亚军

  • 北京队8强:在团体赛中首次担当1号主力,率领北京跻身8强。 

  • 成绩

-    王励勤 --  马  龙    4 : 0 (7,6,6,10)

-      马  龙  --  李  平    4 : 1 (5,-7,7,9,5)

-      马  龙  --  王  皓    4 : 3 (-5,-3,9,-8,11,8,5)

-      马  龙  --  刘国正    4 : 3 (6,5,-8,10,-7,-8,12)

-      马  龙  --  江天一    4 : 0 (6,5,8,6)

1128日,马龙参加了在日本神户举办的第二届世界青年乒乓球锦标赛 (ITTF World Junior Championships in Kobe, Japan)

  • 男子单打冠军:战胜 CHO Eon Rae (KOR) (11-7, 11-5, 11-7, 9-11,11-7)

  • 男子双打亚军:搭档周斌,在决赛0:4负于水谷隼和岸川圣也

  • 混合双打亚军:搭档常晨晨,决赛2:4惜败队友周斌和刘诗雯 

  • 男子团体冠军

  • 相关报道:

    -      从1/4决赛苦战中国Taipei,到半决赛险胜日本,再到决赛迎战韩国,马龙六场男子团体比赛都为中国队拿下2分,他是中国男队卫冕的第一功臣。随后单项比赛,他拿到最重的单打冠军,决赛的对手是韩国赵彦来。在男团决赛中就以3-0战胜对手的马龙,依然不给对手机会,4-1摘取了男单金牌。可马龙一说起这次比赛却摇起了头,“男双丢的太可惜了,上来我和周斌10-6领先的球输掉了,随后的比赛路子不对了,岸川圣也/水谷隼他们发球也不错。反正挺遗憾的这球正常打我们有机会。”2金2银对于年轻选手已经是非常不错的成绩,而马龙却更在意失去的那枚金牌。

    -      对战日本队的时候,马龙是整个队伍的主心骨。他技术精湛,出类拔萃。每次马龙出战的时候中国队都处于落后一分的状态。他第一次出场战胜了水谷隼,第二次战胜了岸川圣也,使得中国一直保持着胜利的可能性。“这是我第一次和日本队打团体赛,我觉得自己今天打的不错。”马龙赛后微笑着说,或者说是终于松了口气,“我在和岸川的时候压力很大,不过我之前打败过他,所以其实压力最大的还是在坐在椅子上看最后一场比赛。”然马龙的一个小问题就是:比赛的时候他类似王励勤打法的正手具有强大的毁灭性,而坐在板凳上的时候,马龙却喜欢咬指甲。(The backbone of the Chinese success was the very impressive MA Long; hewas simply superb, a class act. Each time he went to the table China was onematch in arrears, on the first occasion he beat Jun MIZUTANI on the secondSeiya KISHIKAWA to keep his country’s hopes alive. “It’s the first time I’veplayed against Japan in a team match, I played well today”, said a smiling orperhaps relieved MA Long after the match. “I was under pressure when I playedKISHIKAWA but I’d beaten him before; however, I think I felt more pressure justsitting watching the last match!” The problem for MA Long was that when he wasplaying he could unleash his devastating, WANG Liqin like forehand; sitting onthe bench he could only bite his fingernails. MA Long’s second visit to thetable was after LI Hu, the winner of the Junior Boys’ Singles title at the 1stWorld Junior Table Tennis Championships in Santiago a year ago, had lost toTaku TAKIKAWA in a four games, the last one being quite remarkable. Chinaretained their Junior Boys’ Team title at the 2nd ITTF World Junior TableTennis Championships in Kobe, Japan on Tuesday 1 December 2004 when they beatKorea by three games to one to take the title. Yesterday the trio of MA Long,LI Hu and ZHOU Bin had been stretched to the absolute limit by Japan; today itwas tough but there was no final game drama, the match concluded in the fourthcontest of the fixture.)

    -      Clear Goal: MA Long had his eyes clearly set on gold from the very firstpoint of the contest; he greeted every point with a deep throated cry ofsuccess; in no time he was 8-2 ahead in the first game of the final; he was inthe fast lane. CHO Eon Rae stemmed the tide somewhat by recovering to 8-6 butat 10-7 a trademark MA Long forehand won the point, the first game was his andthe Chinese player had the better start. The Chinese boy stands wide to thebackhand to receive service, he looks for his dynamic forehand at everyopportunity; he has fast footwork, possesses a good range of services and he isthe expert at following the service with a strong attack; if the firstattacking stroke is the forehand then it’s not likely to be returned! Theproblem facing CHO Eon Rae was trying to stem the tidal wave of forehandattacks; no wonder he shook his head on occasions as MA Long gave him littletime to respond; in no time the Chinese boy was two games to the good. However,in the third game CHO Eon Rae, urged on by his compatriots sitting in thetiered seating, made the better start, he led 4-1 but MA Long was a man with amission; he won the next six points with incredible backhand blocks as CHO EonRae threw caution to the wind. The Korean took risks, he made errors and anyweak return was greeted with a trademark MA Long forehand; the Chinese teenagerwon the third game and was one away from the title. CHO Eon Rae has provedhimself to be a fine competitor in Kobe; he made every effort to stay close tothe table in the fourth game in order to give MA Long as little time aspossible to play the forehand topspin stroke that had caused so many problems.He led 10-6, then 10-8 and decided to take a risk; he elected to serve long andfast; the problem was the service was too long, it missed the table. It was10-9 and had CHO Eon Rae blown his chance; to his credit he remained positive,he stayed close to the table and a forehand flick wide to the MA Long forehandwon the point and reduced the arrears to two games. However, it was only atemporary reprieve, MA Long returned to the table in top gear, pressed theaccelerator even harder, made an electric start, never relinquished theadvantage; took a `Time Out’ at 7-6 ahead, won the next point to go ahead 8-6,missed a forehand topspin to make it 8-7, won the next point when a CHO Eon Raeflick missed and moved to championship point with a controlled forehand topspin.He had the opportunity to secure victory, he didn’t spurn the chance, he wonthe point exercising control and composure, he was the World Junior Boys’Singles champion. MA Long is sixteen years old, he is eligible to compete inthe ITTF World Junior Championships for two more years and in Kobe he neverlost a singles match whilst for CHO Eon Rae he was the runner up yet again; in2003 in Santiago, Chile, he had lost in the final to LI Hu. “I’m pleased, I didwell, I think my opponent was stressed”, said MA Long. “I was confident beforethe match started.” He played with a great deal of confidence, he had beenimpressive throughout. “He played very well today, he had a clear mind; thedoubles was not so good but in the singles he was technically very goodindeed”, said coach CHEN Jian. “He has his strong points, he is very goodfollowing the service with a strong first attack and he is good at blocking andcontrolling his opponent’s attacks, especially with his backhand.” A fineperformance by MA Long and surely he deserves a week’s rest. “I played a greatmany games”, said MA Long. “I’m tired but I think it will be only one day’srest and then it will be back to training in Beijing. That’s life for a WorldChampion.






  • 男双亚军、混双亚军

  • 男单冠军、男双亚军、混双冠军



  • 新西兰站– 男单季军、男双冠军

  • 马来西亚总决赛– 男单冠军

  • 太原站– 男单季军


  • 混双亚军

  • 男单冠军、男双亚军、混双亚军



  • 男单亚军

尤其是在2004年日本横滨世青赛获得男单冠军的出色表现,逐渐让世界开始注意到马龙这个名字。ITTF的报道中,对于马龙报道的篇幅也长了起来,更有几篇报道连续使用了Superb, Class act, Best player等词汇来形容他。




[1] 包含中英双语的部分,为笔者简要的翻译,若出现歧义,则以英文为主。全部英文报道来自ITTF官网网站。


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