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Continue on the script
木水新o清 2017-10-16

This week, as a script, I continue to think about our script and modify it. I spent a lot time on the ideas and researched a lot in order to accomplish my responsibility.

1、The setting of roles:

In <Schindler's Lis>, Schindler: It has chosen the fragments around the development of the character. He has made great contributions to the internal and external causes of his salvation. The layers of foreshadowing have shaped a hero of the times with the characteristics of a businessman’s slippery, secular defects, and no publicity. The deep evolution of Schindler's human nature.

2、The core conception of a narrative film:

" Forrest Gump", which has won 6 Oscar Awards has described the congenital mentally retarded boy Agam unremitting self-improvement, finally gets God care, through their own efforts and creates a miracle in the fields of inspirational stories. The writer has set up many events of the Vietnam War, Watergate, and ping-pong diplomacy in the United States Agam. It is a condensed American modern history, so as to stimulate strong resonance in the United States even the world moviegoers.

3、The commercial of the film:

Throughout Feng Xiaogang's film, from " Sorry baby", Feng Xiaogang's film shows a strong "advertising implants" style. Since then, in the movie " Happy Funeral", Feng Xiaogang has done a series of spoof on various brands. And in the movie "cell phone", with the influx of various advertisers, the whole movie became the world of Motorola mobile phones.


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