LOFTER for ipad —— 让兴趣,更有趣

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Yilia 2018-09-03

Dead Man Legend拥有高品质的游戏画面,史诗般的背景音乐和完美的智能触控,绝对会让您体验前所未有的快乐!

You will use the virtual buttons to operate the character's left and right

movements,jumping and attacking! Kill all the zombies and you can win!

In the game, there are also a variety of weapons, not only the common big knives and machine guns, but also bows, bombs and heavy machine guns!

Moreover,for the body of steel,the son of Tai Chi,the zombie terminator,the gamealso has a special level dedicated to the protagonists of these three heroes.

Human society has come to the brink of extinction,and it is up to you to be able  to usher in the dawn of rebirth!

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