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Good Chinese Landscapes
shuoshanfan67844 2019-04-01

Phoenix Town

Theancient city of Phoenix itself is a gathering place of minority nationalitiesmainly composed of Miao and Tujia minority. It is rich in ancient and richcultural flavor. The most distinctive feature here is the row of suspended feettowers. When the lights are lit at night, Mini electric scooter supplierc the lights correspond to the riverwater. It is like an ink painting. Its simple beauty attracts thousands oftourists. It is one of the ten scenic spots that Chinese tourism must go to.



Tian'anmenis the place that every Chinese must go in his life. It has great political andhistorical significance. It is the symbol of the People's Republic of China. 


Thewhole Tian’anmen Town Tower is magnificent. Chairman Mao is magnificent. Youcan feel the strength and dignity of our country here. Its unique significancemakes it one of the top ten scenic spots that must be visited by Chinesetourists.

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