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Deepening the Educational Reform
ti11274724694 2019-03-14

Firstly, we must handle the relationshipbetween adhering to the direction of socialist education, stimulating theinnovation and creativity of all parties, and focus on solving the problem ofwho runs schools and how to run schools. Never make a subversive mistake on theunderlying problem.Tin Plated Steel Sheet


Secondly, in the concept of educatingpeople, we must deal with the relationship between the comprehensivedevelopment of moral, intellectual, and artistic development and the promotionof the individuality of students, especially the innovative spirit andpractical ability. We will focus on solving the problem of cultivating people. 


Thirdly, in the system construction, wemust focus on solving the problems of pre-school education, vocationaleducation and training continuing education, promote the school educationsystem to be more open and flexible, and use modern information technology topromote the learning revolution.check here

Fourthly, in the main body ofparticipation, we must handle the relationship between the government, theschool, and the society, focus on solving the relationship between theresponsibilities, rights, and interests of all parties.


Fifthly, in terms of resource allocation,we must address the guarantees of education funds, teacher informationization,and the rule of law in poverty-stricken areas, and promote the fairness ofeducation and achieve fair, inclusive and sustainable development whileimproving overall quality.

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