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Cities Of Asia For Snacks II
ti11274724694 2019-04-03

Bangkok, Thailand

Thailand’stropical fruits are well known, where every day, the taste buds can be greatlysatisfied. Durian needn't say much. It's no use coming to Thailand withouteating durian.


Mostof the street snacks in Bangkok are cooked now. These cheap and deliciousstreet snacks can not only eat Thai noodles, rice dumplings, meatballs, butalso Chinese fried chicken rice, stew pots and so on, and even Japanese sushi. BesidesTom Yum Soup, the refreshing and sour green papaya salad is also a dish withThai characteristics.s235jr


Foodplatform evaluation: It is not difficult to find delicious food. There are manykinds of delicious food everywhere along the subway, along the Mekong River,Bangkok market, night market and underground Department store. To quote AnthonyBourdain, a famous New York chef, “The essence of delicious food is in themarket, on the street corner, on the hot snack stalls at the top, as long asyou follow the local people to eat!”

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