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Tips For Business Etiquette
ti11274724694 2019-04-10

Accordingto definition, business etiquette, usually refers to the specific use ofetiquette in the business industry, mainly refers to a kind of conventionaletiquette between business social behavior; also refers to the code of conductthat business personnel should strictly abide by in their jobs. Now, let usunderstand Business etiquette in China.


Chinese Dining Etiquette

Seatand order

Atlunch,6 inch mini electric scooter portable foldable people have to sit down in a certain order. You can expect more seniorbusiness people to sit down and wait for the Chinese to show you your seat.


InChinese culture, do not eat before others, especially the elderly and elders asrank. Do not finish all your food. Otherwise, the Chinese at the table willthink that you are still hungry, and they will think that there is not enoughfood for you. This may lead them to continue to add food to your plate.

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