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Quality-oriented Education
nuoyi37680332 2019-03-29

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized atthe National Education Conference that he should cultivate socialist buildersand successors of all-round development of morality, intelligence and work.This year's two sessions, "Five Education and Training People" becamea hot topic for the deputies. Every aspect of morality, intelligence, and arthas its own characteristics and functional role in education. Good education,not only scores and progression rates, but also a complete soul and firm valuepursuit; not only focus on the thickness of knowledge and skill stacking, steel flat bar butalso on the quality of physical will and the height of conservation. This isalso a question that must be answered to build a higher level talent trainingsystem.

Embracing the quality education of thenew era

Moderator: The function of education is tocultivate people with all-round development. The comprehensive development ofyoung people is increasingly concerned by the whole society. Under the guidanceof this concept, what is the difference between the quality education that weadvocate and promote in the new era compared with the past?

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