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KOIE Pro Specimen 字体样本册
  • KOIE Creative Studio 品牌字体设计

  • 在设计品牌标志同时,我设计了一款为品牌定制的几何无衬线字体,以使品牌标志和日后旗下产品名称完美组合并辅助品牌识别物料。我将这款字体命名为 KOIE Pro ,它将在不同语境及产品组合中与品牌标志进行无缝匹配。


  • KOIE Creative Studio Branding Typefaces

  • In tandem with developing the logotype, I create a custom, geometric sans serif typeface,which derived from the logo of the KOIE Creative Studio to complement the logo in the product lockups and supporting identity materials. I named it KOIE Pro that was created to pair seamlessly with the logo in a variety of contexts and product lockups. KOIE Pro, as the primary use typography of the studio, aim to develop the identity for the KOIE Creative Studio.

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