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The Choir Boys
SPUP-zhangwei 2021-10-16

The French film "The Choir Boys" tells the story of the world-renowned conductor Pierre Moranck returning to his native France and seeing the diary of clement Mathieu, his first music teacher in his childhood, which reminded him of his education and help. Pierre's school was called "The Reformatory at the Bottom of the Pond" because the pupils were so naughty. Pierre was also a typical naughty student. Matthew arrived to find that the principal of the school with high - handed and brutal means of governance this group of "problem" students. Matthew, who is calm and wise in education, tried to improve the situation with his own methods. He took advantage of the situation and opened the hearts of students with music, which achieved good educational results.

This old film gave me new thoughts. Principal Razzi represents educational mismanagement and confusion. He and a group of teachers mismanage their own emotions, ignoring the causes and the natural laws of student growth. Matthew's method is just the opposite, he respects students, respect the law, comply with the characteristics of students to seek education methods. This kind of rational educational behavior, let him harvest positive educational effect. Matthew's education method is similar to the concept of "positive discipline" advocated in China at the present stage.


The kind and firm character of teachers can form the best "climate environment" for students' psychological growth. Educators (including parents) make uncomfortable educational behavior due to improper emotional management, which is rejected by students, but also an additional force that makes students' heart door more and more tight. Educators should reject the output of negative energy, control their own emotions, and give students positive guidance, so as to deliver love and education to the hearts of students. Combined with the concept of positive discipline, the author sorts out the inspiration brought by this movie case.


"The core of education, by its very nature, is to keep children experiencing their own sense of dignity," Suhomlinsky said. The author of Positive Discipline, Jane Nelson, points out that educators often make conscious and behavioral mistakes in respect of students -- humiliating tone, which violates the basic principle of mutual respect and turns the "logical consequences" into negative punishment. So, how can teachers fundamentally change this phenomenon and let students experience the real sense of dignity?


The instinctive need to respect students' natural emotional, cognitive and physical development drives them to explore the world around them. Students of different ages have different priorities for their needs. But students' natural desires, along with their desire to experiment and explore, often run counter to what educators expect. Respect for students' natural nature is the best premise of education. In the film, Teacher Matthew is such, he complies with the nature of students, accept their innate primary or secondary problems of family life, create a tolerant and peaceful atmosphere for students, let students free. Mathew's approach is exactly what Jane Nelson points out -- asking students what to do instead of telling them what to do. In this way, each student has experienced the feeling of "being respected" in the class.


Share tasks to enhance students' sense of belonging, teach them life skills, and experience social responsibility. This is what Mathieu did, and he led the students to work together. Eventually Pierre and his classmates received thunderous applause in the school choir performance, and the students received their first high level of public recognition from a large group. Each student felt "indispensable" and filled with a sense of worth.


A sense of worth often triggers gratitude in students. At the end of the film, there is a touching scene: When Matthew leaves school with a sad look, he receives a card written by a once naughty or even "evil" student. The card is full of the students' thoughts and blessings for Matthew. The waving hands show their nostalgia and sadness for Matthew... At that moment, Matthew smiled happily. That smiling face, reveal an education worker's most sincere happiness.

In this educational film, the behavior of Teacher Matthew and the success of students strongly confirm the words of Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a famous Educationist in China: "Sow the seeds of love all over the sky, and wait to see the results of the next day". In addition, the author also got a profound enlightenment: educators should respect students, establish a harmonious and close teacher-student relationship with students, help students realize their self-value, send education and love to students' hearts, and lay a foundation for students' happy life. Educators should always adhere to these positive discipline concepts and methods in their practical work.

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