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Education comprehension--AIAL
SPUP-zhangwei 2021-10-23

Accept imperfection and achieve a wonderful life

---- I had a feeling after watching Call Me Number One

Everyone has something good in them, either outside or inside.

As a classic inspirational film, "Call Me Number One" is undoubtedly a success. The film tells the story of Brad, suffering from tourette's disease, overcoming his disability and bravely pursuing his dream. In fact, I prefer another name of the film -- "To be a Teacher". This film shows not only the personal encouragement, but also highlights how education affects life with life and touches soul with soul.

Overcoming your disability is one of the most courageous things in the world, and Brad is one of them. He has tourette's disease, which causes him to wiggle his neck and make strange noises. His teachers scolded him, his classmates laughed at him, and even his father was disappointed in him. But there is no cure, so tourette's was brad's lifelong friend from the moment he was six years old. As he grew up, Brad had failed many job interviews because of tourette's syndrome. He had been discouraged, angry, questioned, and tried to hide it, but all in vain, when his stepmother reminded him that tourette's syndrome had given him a gift for teaching. What he needs to do most is not to hide and deny the existence of old friends. Since he can't get rid of them, it is better to accept them bravely.

When Brad really reconciled with his old friend, he became more clear about his goal, he turned the difference into his advantage, he used his own situation to speak out, and successfully won the job opportunity. In his work, he infected the children with his personal charm and always encouraged them to be their most authentic selves. Because he had been treated unfairly, Brad knew how to compare himself with others. He believed that even if students were different, they should be given the opportunity to learn. For this reason, Brad is extremely patient and meticulous with students who give other teachers headaches. From the curiosity of his children and the suspicion of his parents, to the recognition of everyone, Brad became the best teacher of the year.

The reason why Brad can take a brave step, and his reconciliation, in addition to their own inner strength, but also inseparable from his mother has always accompanied and encouraged him, as well as a kind principal. When the doctor diagnosed Brad as having psychological problems caused by his parents' divorce, his mother did not believe the doctor's judgment. She searched around and finally found the real cause of his strange behavior. Mother took her boy to patients, to find willing to accept his school, encourage certain children every day, the head of the new school know brad, rather than blame brad influence classroom, instead tell brad, the school is to use the knowledge to defeat the ignorance, the headmaster at the music to brad opportunity to explain, in public and let brad say hope, Let everyone treat him the same. And his family and friends, who have always given him the kindest and most sincere care.

Because of the encouragement from these people, Brad was full of hope for the world and the society and became an optimistic, humorous, confident and progressive person. The unwavering love he received from his mother and the care he received from his principal gave him the strength to be who he really was, and he passed on that love and care to each of his students. There was a little girl in his class who was dying of cancer. In her last days, Brad took care of her and made her happy. As the girl's mother consoled Brad at the funeral, who was afraid to enter the house for fear of affecting the ceremony, she said, "You are her favorite teacher. You have changed her life. Please make sure to see her off."

While it tumble over brad go all the way, but he has not been down with the disease, also did not let the disease stop him from footsteps, instead of disease has become his lifelong teacher, taught him don't give up each student, in the right way to education them, even if it does not matter if you are not the same with others, because every child is unique.

Everyone's life more or less contains regrets and imperfections, but it is this imperfections that highlight the reality of life and inspire us to achieve something wonderful.

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