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Application of ICT technology
SPUP-zhangwei 2021-10-23

The initiative of "no school suspension" in 2020 has brought some emerging ICT teaching methods to the surface. For example, it is convenient for teachers to manage classes, prepare lessons, upload lesson plans and PPT, connect with students online and broadcast classes live. It can run directly on wechat mobile terminal without downloading app; As everyone knows, office software nails have opened up a new field for primary school teaching. In this software, teachers can grasp the students' dynamics in front of electronic equipment, interact with them, roll the roll, assign homework, and review homework. Of course, the operation of these software and terminals depends on portable devices, such as laptops, tablets and smart phones. These devices can enable students to obtain knowledge and information more directly in class.

The application of ICT technology in the future will integrate more advanced artificial intelligence technologies such as VR, so that teachers and students and students can feel, participate in the classroom and interact remotely and closely. The new trend of the development of these new technologies also makes the majority of students interested in learning. Some people say that the initiative of "no school suspension" makes the majority of teachers working in the front line become the legendary anchor. I think it is better to say that this is the progress of science and technology of the times and provides such convenient teaching conditions for teachers. Therefore, it is more necessary for education students who are ready to enter the teacher industry to skillfully use ICT technology and integrate the discipline. ICT technology has the potential to improve learning and teaching methods. It can create a creative learning environment, support student-centered autonomous learning, stimulate students' interest in learning and improve classroom quality.

Teacher education is the basis of the development of education and the energy source to improve the quality of education. In this information age, educational knowledge changes with each passing day, educational technology keeps pace with the times, and educational requirements continue to improve. Cultivating ICT teaching integration ability of education students is the development trend of the big data era. It is not only the only way to build educational informatization, but also the inevitable requirement to cultivate excellent teachers in the new era. The arrival of Information Education 2.0 era puts forward higher requirements for the field of education.

(1) Cultivating education students with ICT teaching integration ability

1. In depth teaching practice research the ICT teaching integration ability of education students is reflected not only in teaching practice, but also in the actual teaching environment after entry. The follow-up research of this study includes the attitude of education students to use ICT teaching integration technology after entry, the classroom response and academic performance of students in the actual teaching environment, and summarizing the changes of ICT teaching integration ability of education students after entry. These research results can be used as a reference for colleges and universities to train education students.

(1) Cultivating education students with ICT teaching integration ability

1. In depth teaching practice research the ICT teaching integration ability of education students is reflected not only in teaching practice, but also in the actual teaching environment after entry. The follow-up research of this study includes the attitude of education students to use ICT teaching integration technology after entry, the classroom response and academic performance of students in the actual teaching environment, and summarizing the changes of ICT teaching integration ability of education students after entry. These research results can be used as a reference for colleges and universities to train education students.

2. Strengthen the provision of hardware facilities. As a greenhouse for cultivating and reserving excellent teachers, professional colleges and normal universities need to strengthen the provision of hardware facilities. The provision of hardware equipment and infrastructure is the starting point for the national implementation of Education Informatization Plan. In the training environment of colleges and universities, setting up classrooms that can record micro class videos, multimedia classrooms with interactive whiteboards, projection and other multimedia equipment, computers that can support the operation of necessary teaching software and large classrooms with sufficient space are the necessary hardware facilities and site requirements for training students majoring in education.

3. Introduce new technologies and strengthen the team of college teachers. ICT Education integration technology should keep up with the pace of the development of the times in the field of education. In the near future, online education will become the demand of lifelong education. VR online immersive teaching will be widely used in primary and secondary school teaching; Ai artificial intelligence technology will replace traditional teaching tools and bring new experience to education; Micro class teaching, as a means of self-study before class, is arranged in the teaching design to make the classroom teaching effect get twice the result with half the effort; Face recognition technology is applied in teaching practice to capture students' classroom dynamics and emotional changes in real time, and assist teachers to improve teaching strategies. The development and introduction of these new technologies require colleges and universities to improve their teaching staff, constantly improve training strategies and teaching technology, and keep pace with the times.

(2) Cultivating ICT integrated teaching ability of education students

1. Provide an equal learning atmosphere. When colleges and universities initially train students majoring in education, they should take these students as the core. Under the subtle influence, students can continue to pass on this concept of "student-centered". In this way, in the future teaching practice, it is natural to take students as the center of the classroom and give full play to the organization and guidance of teachers. At the same time, we advocate that in the process of teaching practice, students and teachers should coexist as "two centers", and the role of teachers should not be empowered. Education students should learn to share knowledge and experience with primary and secondary school students in the process of teaching practice, so as to ensure that teachers and students, students and students have a learning atmosphere of equal learning, exchange and communication.

2. Building ICT learning environment when information-based teaching has not developed, the equal classroom atmosphere of primary and secondary school teaching depends only on the strength of teachers. After entering the information society, teachers should learn to use all kinds of teaching software and hardware for teaching, and integrate ICT technology into the teaching content. The advantage of constructing ICT learning environment is that the teaching is more vivid and vivid, which is separated from the old-fashioned and single words, music scores and static pictures, so that students can experience the scene and enjoy the fun in the environment created by ICT.

3. Provide rich learning resources. In addition to providing excellent normal university resources, colleges and universities should also provide students with diversified learning resources and professional ICT learning environment to continuously stimulate students' learning enthusiasm and autonomy. Most colleges and universities establish cyberspace for students, which contains rich subject knowledge. Students can obtain more knowledge outside the textbook through network resources and tap their learning potential more deeply; Students majoring in education can also obtain more teaching knowledge and ICT skills through the corresponding network platform, so as to diversify their teaching means and expand their teaching ability. Students communicate with each other to facilitate the later teaching practice. In addition to learning support, students and teachers can also fully display their learning and teaching practice achievements through the network platform, and improve their teaching ability in the consultation with other students and teachers. Schools can also evaluate students majoring in education in a diversified way and teach students according to their aptitude.

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