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The Registration Instruction
ID482712452 2019-09-15

Hi! So you have decided to take HSK4 test, and you have chosen a wonderful  class for helping you to do that! In ten weeks, you will be able to master the  most important grammars and confusing Chinese words! Please follow the  below steps to register from outside of China.


                                                BLCU College of Intensive Chinese Studies

                                                                                        Teacher GUAN

                                                STEP 1

Register your email at, go to the website, and click the  white ‘去注册’(registration) button.

                                                 STEP 2

Follow the instructions on the picture and register your email address. (Click  the picture to see it more clearly.)

Registration successful ?

                                           STEP 3

Go to the website:

and click the big orange button‘立即参加’(join).

                                                STEP 4

Click the middle button, in the picture boxed in red, and fill in your just  registered email details.

Click the biggreen button saying ‘快速登录’(register)


That is it!Voila!

Congratulations!You have now registered for our course!

Thank you!

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