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Bloodborne-The lights never come
RaleighB 2017-02-21

“It was a quiet fall. Daylight was cleared like diamond’s shine. when the top of sky shows a little blood-red, it reveals another day has passed.” a wheelchair slowly rounded closer. Old wooden floor crackled below “Clouds quickly replaced the sunlight, it brings the horrible dream and buried the secret deep within. People pray for daylight Since the night was so long that seem like it’s gonna be forever dark.” A match lights up the room, soon the smell of cigarette filled the space along with darkness. “Monsters, walking on the land of earth, they made men so called themselves hunters chased after them and seek the truth hidden in the horror of the night due to their childish curiosity.” The voice was deep and broken, like a devil lived in a British skin. “Don’t you want to know, what was this the darkest night has been hiding? Oh, dig deeper, it might be just right around the corner of your eyes…

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