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Not Anymore
wh布丁 2018-05-27


The empty gym was moonlit and austere. Akashi stood alone in the middle of the court, taciturn, still in his basketball clothes, the blue and white that was emblematic to the team – his team. His team, far beyond salvage.

(Salvage? All that matters is that they still win matches. Team play had only ever been a hindrance to their individual abilities.) 

In all honesty, he had not expected Murasakibara (Atsushi) to have such an inimical attitude. After all, though the other boy was never prudent, he always followed orders because he could "never win against someone like Aka-chin" – something that had very nearly been proven wrong earlier that day. 

(No. He was absolute, and no one was able to – was allowed to – defy him.)

Perhaps initiating that one-on-one match was not a good idea after all. It had put Atsushi in his place, but the team was still falling apart. So was his mind.

(But he had been two people for a long time.)

After winning that match, he had only questioned why Kuroko (Tetsuya) was watching him with such a horrified expression. 

"Who… are you?"

"I'm Akashi Seijuurou, of course."

So why had Kuroko's face been so full of dread? Akashi watched his reflection walk closer to him until he was in front of the glass wall, and his reflection stared disconcertingly back at him, pale and gaunt under the ghostly moonlight. It was in times like this when he could comprehend why. His expression seemed as decorous as ever, but when you looked closer, there was something vague and unplaceable that made everything seem so incredibly wrong. 

And then there were his eyes. It was unnerving how they would widen a fraction more than usual and make his gaze unnatural and disturbing. Even through the reflection, he could feel the piercing chill of a stare that wasn't his (was his).

Refusing to let it bother him, he walked back towards the court, picked up the ball and shot for the hoop.

Swish. The ball went in. But there was no triumph in it – victory's intrinsic value had dulled by how easily it came. 

Kuroko had said that he no longer knew who he was. But how?

He was still Akashi Seijuurou.

(Not anymore.)


2015-04-15写的。那时候还没有看黑篮,对人物也是一知半解。单词列表为:austere, taciturn, emblematic, salvage, inimical, prudent, initiate, gaunt, decorous, intrinsic.


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