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For fun, IKEA launched an app
Eve Han 2019-05-22

IKEA said that not only do we produce furniture, but we are also one of the world's largest carton packaging manufacturers.

What are so many cartons for? Of course it's fun!

80, after 90's childhood was contracted by corrugated paper, and all day with mobile phones and tablet addicted to piggy page 00 and 10, they said: what is the fun of a cardboard box?

This... Would you like my uncles and aunts to show you?

Play as you like!

Given the worrying hands on abilities of today's children (mainly parents), IKEA has developed a completely new application in its latest creative project to turn old cartons into new toys through APP Hand-held Instruction, so as to help them play creative games better.

All you need is an Ikea cardboard box and an APP called Ikea Toybox.

Choose your team.

Choose the tools you need.

Lay the cardboard boxes flat on the floor.

Choose the toy model you want to build.

Next, follow the clear guidelines of APP.

Maybe that's how it looks.

This digital case is very valuable. IKEA has used cartons to make them interesting. Maybe the cardboard box in your eyes is the paradise in the eyes of children. IKEA has developed this app to turn children's dreams into reality. When we were young, we often had the dream of being an engineer. What could be more exciting than making rockets and houses by ourselves?

This case also serves as a good propaganda. We know IKEA's products besides furniture, cartons.This case also serves as a good propaganda. We know IKEA's products besides furniture, cartons. In the way of digital, it also promotes the sales of cartons. And this case also has a profound insight into the child's psychology. Just as they play with my world, they really want to bring the virtual world into reality.

I like IKEA's ads very much. There is another very important reason. Sleeping in IKEA makes our ordinary life full of fun and makes us full of infinite hope for the future.




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