LOFTER for ipad —— 让兴趣,更有趣

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Week 7 (6th Apr. 2017)
其其陈陈 2017-04-16

Today we did a voxpop.

Before doing the vox pop, we had already thought about the questions we would ask, and the topicis about the sex education for children. This topic comes from a piece of news recently, which is that a famous university made a textbook for sex education.However, many people thought that it was not appropriate for children to know such a lot about sex. Therefore, the text book for sex education was recycled.This piece of news has caused considerable controversy in the society.Therefore, we decided to make a vox pop for sex education. We want to ask people of all ages about their opinion to make our vox pop broader and more meaningful.What’s more, we bought many lollipops as gifts for our interviewees in order to make our vox pop go well. Also, we printed out a lot of knowledge about sex education as leaflets to promote people’s thought of sex education.

After these preparations,we went to Wanbo shopping center to do the vox pop. However, soon we found our interviews were not progressing smoothly, because many people do not want to be looked in the camera and refused to be interviewed. We asked many people for help, and finally interviewed several people successfully.

We stayed in Wanbo until 3 pm, and then we went to a primary school to interview some children.This made our vox pop more interesting.

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