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《生化危机3重制版》卡洛斯动捕Jeff Schine采访(二)
安娜笨娜娜 2020-06-19

H:Something I found interesting about this version of Carlos. We were talking about the original Resident Evil 3 version that was done by Vincent and then we talked about the movie version which was done by Oded. I feel like this is a good mix between the two but it leans more into the movie version that they established. Which is fine because he’s one of the few characters in the movie universe that I actually appreciate. I thought it was a good step for him. So it’s kind of nice to see they took a little bit of both and combined him to what you produce. Is really a mix of both which is awesome and it’s not intentional obviously. You didn’t really do too much on the original Carlos. You have seen the movies but this was your own impression as well as Steve’s impression and you guys really found a good mix between what he was in the games to what he was in the movies. It’s really impressive.

我发现重制版的卡洛斯有一些非常有趣的地方,旧版的《生化危机3》由 Vincent配音,电影版则是由Oded饰演。我感觉重制版的卡洛斯是这两个版本的混合体,但更偏向于电影里所塑造版本。但这也没问题,他是电影宇宙里少数我觉得还不错的角色,我认为对于这个角色来说是非常成功的一步,卡普空分别从那两个版本中提取了一些特质,糅合成你所演绎的卡洛斯, 不经意地将两个版本融合到一起。虽然你看过电影,对原版的卡洛斯没有多少了解,但重制版的卡洛斯,是基于你和Steve对这个角色的理解,你们在之前的两个版本中找到了微妙的平衡,令人信服。


J:Yeah. I think some of that is fine. I mean I appreciate that. I think some of that is just sort of like knowing the tone that the project as a whole is moving in. It is always daunting a little bit I think. When you jump into a franchise. If so even with Telltale and Walking Dead, I am jumping into this thing, open and free. There is no incarnations of this character. It is brand new. In Resident Evil, I am jumping in with a with a character who has been established and then you talk about something like with Marvel, jumping in as Cap and sort of other character. You always want to pay homage to or at least be respectful of the history and the canon of a character and of a series, like of a universe. But that being said, I think actually the only chance you have of it working is to 100% do your version of it. Because if you try to do a facsimile of something, if you try to recreate it. You know what was great about whatever version of whatever character you are talking about it was that guy or girl doing it right now.  It was great because it was their thing. Is so much like watch Jack Nichols to do the Joker and at that time you go “Who else could play the Joker, right? He is the best, he is amazing!” and then Heath comes along and smashes it and it is just like OMG now Heath is my Joker. And then Leto does it and it is great and then Joaquin Phoenix as an entirely different take. So really if anyone of them had tried to do their best Jack Joker. It would have been awful. 

是的,我觉得某些方面的确还是不错的。我想说,非常感谢你的赞赏。我觉得就好像,你要知道,当整个项目已经进入了一种基调,当你要加入到某一个系列时,这总是令人非常恐惧的。即使是《行尸走肉》,作为一个全新的、没有“前身”的角色,我可以毫无顾虑地加入到其中。但在《生化危机》中,我扮演一个已经被前人演绎过的角色,漫威也是同理,扮演美队或是其他系列的其他角色。你总是希望可以向前者致敬,尊重角色的过去、性格以及整个系列和宇宙。但这么说,我认为如果想要成功地去重新演绎一个角色,唯有百分之百塑造出一个专属于你的版本。如果你尝试去复制或重现别人的版本,无论是哪一个角色的哪一个版本,无论是哪个男演员或哪个女演员,他们都很棒,因为那是他们创造出来的版本。就像当时Jack Nichols的小丑,你会说“谁还能演小丑?!他就是最好的!非常出色!”然后Heath打破了旧有的印象,然后你就会说“天啊!Heath就是我心目中的小丑”。然后Leto的版本也非常妙,Joaquin Phoenix又是完全不同的版本。但如果每一个演员都尝试去复制Jack版本的小丑,结果只会非常糟糕。


H:Exactly. That is a really good point. Yeah and something that I think the fans kind of forget when it comes to doing a remake or a reboot and doing a recasts, we had some actors in this series that we have really come attached to because they have done the role for several entries, but then they would not be recast. As you gets older, the new direction with the company, we are doing a remake. We need different actors. We want to stay true but we wanted this is a remake. This is us telling our version of the story. Not us giving you those characters anymore.



J:And I understand that attachment comes from love. You really just love this thing and you don’t want someone to break or ruin or tarnish this thing that you care about. So i completely understand and respect that. I totally get it. Another way i think about it, sometimes is like these characters in a lot of ways, you are just renting them for a little bit as an act. You borrow Carlos for a little bit. Even like I think for me, you know Hugh Jackman it is Wolverine for me. He is Wolverine for everybody. But at some point probably maybe someone’s gonna be Wolverine and it isn’t gonna be Hugh Jackman. It is like these characters are on loan. They are just loan to you for a little bit and then someone else gets to wear it for a while and it breaths. It is actually if you can look at it as a contribution to that character and not taking away from the thing you loved. There is a little more freedom and like you ability to enjoy something like that.

我理解这一种羁绊来自粉丝对角色的爱,当你真的非常喜爱、非常在意某一事物时,你不希望别人毁坏或玷污它,所以我完全理解并尊重这一种想法。我这么认为,在大多数情况下,你只是借用这个角色一段时间,去扮演他们,我也只是扮演了卡洛斯一段时间。就像对我来说,Hugh Jackman就是金刚狼,他对于很多人来说都是金刚狼。但或许未来某一天,会由其他人扮演金刚狼,而那个人不再是Hugh Jackman。这些角色只是借给你演绎一段时间,过后可能会由另一名演员演绎,他们会再一次演活这个角色。事实上,如果你把这当成是对这一个角色的贡献,而不是想着自己能从这个角色身上获得些什么,那么你才能更自由地去享受演绎这个角色的过程。


H:Yeah. That’s a good way to put it. I think as fans we need to recognize that. Going back to the Joker analogy, you have got Jack and then even Mark Hamill is the voice but you can’t go tell Heath when he was getting ready to take the role that you have to do exactly a Jack. Because we won’t have got the amazing performance that we got that Heath was doing his thing.

说得没错,我认为作为粉丝应该要意识到这一点。回到之前关于小丑的比喻,Jack扮演过小丑,Mark Hamill为小丑配过音。但你不可能告诉Heath,他一定要演一个和Jack一模一样的小丑,如果是的话,我们便无缘看到Heath如此出色的表演。


J: And that’s what I mean, you know brilliant performances are made from an actor making a bold choice. And this starts in the audition process. It stars with you before you walk into that room and so there is not any dissimilar that I had to do with Carlos, which is just this is how i see him. That will either be something that you as a production crew, as the producers like and want and that’s what will get the job. Or I wasn’t the right guy for the job that my vision of that wasn’t right and somebody else would have been.



H:Yeah. This is the one that they put their faith in. I think you delivered. If it come off being someone else version of him, it would be disingenuous. 



J:That’s exactly. And that in-authenticity is an insurmountable hill and everybody can smell in the room



H:So have you got a chance to play the game yet?



J:I haven’t. but I have watch s ton of footage of it. But I haven’t had a chance to play it. I really want when I play, I wanted to be able to like... 



H:Just sit down and get into it. Turn the lights off and just focus and play.



J:Yes. But i was really please because my uncle called me the other day and he was super excited that my first line in the game is “Hey Fuckface!”



H:I love that too. I think is a toast for the Resident Evil movie.



J:And I said this before. I was like I don’t know that I will ever be able to top that intro. I mean sitting on the hood of a car with a rocket launcher and screaming at a giant zombie “Hey Fuckface” is kind of like the pinnacle of OPA. Kicking down the door and walking in a room.



H:Hey you got your one-liner. You got a lot of one-liner in this one actually.



J:Yeah. There’s been a few well. 



H:This is good for those. He had a lot in the original too. So it is nice they kept that from him. He’s a little bit of arrogance that he has. It is not a little bit, you have got a lot of arrogance.



J:Yeah. I remember feeling that like sort of arrogance and cynical whine did hit him in a bit. So it didn’t feel quite as like arrogant off-putting. It was almost like arrogant conflict and almost self deprecation in a way. Like you never take it totally seriously. So it actually like invites you in as opposed to making you feel like “God, he’s such a douche bag.”



H:That’s true.



GH:I mean they do with the writing and your performance has it like, this was a character that to me, it just did so well. Like every time he was on screen, you nailed it. And it was never felt that he was overdoing it. You never felt that he was underutilized. You never felt that this one-liner didn’t work. It all just seemed to work. Cuz you know what, I ask a lot of my friends and seeing everything over the internet. Everyone is just like now Carlos is like the MVP in this game. Like his actor did such a great job at bringing this character to a whole new life. Love the original and now they get to continue that with another badass rendition of them.



J:Oh I really appreciate that. That’s good to hear. I mean it is always gratifying when the work you do is received in that way. So it is really awesome to hear.



GH:Yeah I know, cuz is true. The thing is like RE3 is my favorite Resident Evil game of all time and it actually might be my favorite game of all time the original. So hearing that my favorite game is gonna get a remake. I was like “I really love this one let’s see how it goes.” Just seeing how it unfold, I mean i have got my issue with the game but the thing that I will never take away from the remake is the acting that you guys did and what the developer did. Especially for your part of the game, cuz a lot of people especially in the original were like “Carlos’ s role is so short in the first part, we love to see more of that.” and I really feel that they did expand upon that and give it a good challenge during his part of the game. 



H:I love his gameplay in the RPD where he’s making all these comments that we as gamer make whenever we play the game is like what the hell is wrong with this door. 



J: I remember when we were in the booth recording some of those lines and I remember thinking at the time and you know that was probably the area where we got to do the most like playing. It is sort of like in, well, I wouldn’t say improvise but we just like played a lot. And one of the thing I loved about what we were working on that as I was acutely aware of you frequently when you are working on a game, have to-self line, where you just sort of like narrating what you are doing and but I loved it in this one.I was like “oh i was actually thinking that.” Actually it felt very intuitive and I also like some of those little Easter egg like the door and things like that, like I think it was smart writing and they had like really settled in the pocket of the vibe we were trying to get across.



H:That’s exactly what it is. It fits in with a lot of the other great protagonists and people who self narrate. Like Nathan Drake from Uncharted and things like that. And hearing him do that as i am thinking the exact same thing, because we have always thought like the whole key system with the Resident Evil doors. It was always like “Really?” And have Carlos be like saying what I am thinking for a change to just you know “auditory my own thoughts is pretty corny”

正是如此,其他非常棒的游戏主角也会有很多这种自言自语的台词。像《神秘海域》的Nathan Drake或其他角色。因为化系列中的那种门锁和钥匙的系统,总是让人忍不住吐槽“你在耍我吗?”而卡洛斯也刚好说出了我的想法,能听到角色说出自己脑海中的想法,真的应了那句“自己的想法从别人口中说出来这事还是蛮老套的。”


J:Yeah and then it pulls you in right? Like you feel even more kinship because you are like “He gets it. ” 



H:Exactly. When everybody else in the world doesn’t think that these doors are weird but Carlos does. From what you seen, what do you think of how it all turned out,?



J:I have to say I have been pleased. You know, you are on set and you are working on this thing and you have this feeling like I kind of feel like maybe this is gonna be good and you don’t ever really know. You get a sense of it and you hope but you also are aware that as much as you could convince yourself like “We are nailing it, this is good, I think we are doing something great ” You are inside of it so you can’t really tell. Because you are too deep in the work and too deep inside

of it. But I am really happy with it. I really think it is nice that the finish product reflected or reflects the time that I had doing it. It did justice to like the great experience I had filming it. The wonderful people I got to work with. The amazing journey I had out of it . it is really gratifying and I am pleased with the final product. I really enjoy it.

不得不说,其实我感到非常荣幸。当你在片场工作时,你只会感觉到也许这么演效果会不错,但其实你不知道自己到底演得好不好,或许会稍微感觉到并对此抱有期望,但您亦会意识到即使你试图说服自己“我们正在努力地把故事演好,我们做得很好,我认为我们正在做一些很棒的事情,”但当局者迷,当时谁也无法预知这个项目是否真的会成功。但是我非常开心可以看到成品与我们付出的时间和努力成正相关,在整个拍摄的过程中,能有机会和那些了不起的演员和导演共事,是非常奇妙的一段经历。令人非常欣慰,我对最终的成品感到很满意, 我很享受整个拍摄过程。


H:I think people would have liked to see more Carlos. I think a lot of us were hoping that maybe we would get a longer. We got 2 portions for him, they are both, you know, RPD was a little short but the hospital was kind of long which was nice. But I think we were kind of hoping for a full Carlos campaign. You kind of see what he was doing when Jill was doing her thing. It would have been cool.



J:I know man, maybe someday.



H:We are hoping that one of the things that people have talked about for a long time before they start doing there remakes and the potential for future games was bringing back character that we haven’t seen in a in a long time. And Carlos is one of those characters was one and done for the the series even though he survives. He goes off. They never really talked about him again. So maybe with the remakes we can see him come back. What do you think?



J:I mean I would always be happy to pick up Carlos again if that opportunity ever came around.



H:Would you like to see him reunite with Jill down the road or maybe pick into another group with different survivors, different S.T.A.R.S member, different heroes?



J:I think it would be cool to see Carlos with his crew, like his team and operating in that sense and maybe even more like a military setting. But i mean I don’t think you can keep him away from Jill for the whole time.



GH:He was into her the moment he saw her.



J:Man, she’s not like anybody.



H:It is cool the series now where the going, you know, the Umbrella was the bad guy which you worked for and unaware of what they were doing as Carlos. But now where we at the series, with Resident Evil 7, Umbrella has turned around and supposed to be the good guys now and one of the main heroes that was against Umbrella is Chris Redfield is now on their side with his new version of umbrella. This is supposed to stop bio-terrorism and all that stuff. And Carlos seems like he would fit perfectly into that group with Chris. So hopefully maybe we will see him come back in a future game or something.



J:Yeah. Well I mean, one of the things I really liked about Carlos is, you know he was a good guy. I mean I know he caught in a position that he didn’t know. He got caught unaware. He didn’t want to be part of that. And I like that about him. But I like that he didn’t get whiny.



H:He was walking that line of “Is it fair? Is it right? Is is wrong? Are they good?Are they bad?” When he started to put pieces together, he switches from like “This is wrong.” but he never whine, complaint or drag it out. It was like “I still have a mission to do, there’s way too much going on to sit down and get bitchy about this ”



J:Yeah, for Carlos it was always about people. It was always smaller than that. It was always about getting people out of the city. It was always about you know Jill personally. It is really for him, it was a people and a personal thing. Corporations were in the background, that was the backstory.



H:You get that on the train and the subway when they are talking, you says “Hey, we are here for the same reason, we all want the same thing.” 



GH:The whole dynamic that you brought to Carlos with was just amazing. Because the whole time I am playing. I am just like “What he is gonna say next? What is he gonna do next ” and everything was just amazing. Like I said I wish there was more because that is the one thing Resident Evil has been doing, like all Capcom has been doing with Resident Evil especially with 2, you got these amazing actors doing these character, putting their own spin on it, bringing them into the year 2020 and you want more of it. It is so good you want more.



J:I have actually said this in the past, but I feel like that is a great note to live a story on which is if you told a story well. I always feel like as a audience member, you should be satisfied. You should feel great and then very quickly it will be replaced by total dissatisfaction. Because you want to be in that world again. Like immediately there was not enough content. It is so much as it could never be enough. Because I enjoy being there so much, please bring me back.



GH:Yeah, please bring him back. Let’s see Carlos again. You can’t just let them take off without any kind of follow-up. 



H:At least you got something good here. You got some good Capcom...



J:Carlos-less world.







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