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Why Need To Register Trademark ?
Cora_Timely 2020-05-25

1.A trademark registration gives you exclusive rights to use the trademark as a special symbol for your goods and/or services.

2.A trademark represents your identity in the marketplace. A trademark may signalize a certain quality, a life style or reputation, and can be particularly valuable when marketing your goods and services.

3.A trademark is usually the result of considerable investment of time and resources and the costs are often considerable. It is therefore important to safeguard the sole rights to your trademark.

4.Trademark registration gives you exclusive rights, prevent copycats from unjustly benefiting from the brand recognition you've built up.

5.By being able to document your rights, you have a sound basis for negotiating finance for your development costs and for entering into sales and licensing agreements with others.

6.These rights apply to use of the mark on the goods themselves, on the packaging, in advertising, in business documents, in verbal description or otherwise.

7.Trademarks make it easy for customers to find you.

For more information about Trademark Registration, please feel feel to contact me. Email:

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