LOFTER for ipad —— 让兴趣,更有趣

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Yilia 2018-08-30


Follow the heart of keeping feeling,KingLegend never stop optimizing the engine!Fight with brother-in-arms to dominate the Sand City and create a classic legend!

Strong Armed Forces and Sharp weapon!Cool Suit and Attractive Apparel!

Kill Unrestrainedly, Release passionately!

War broke out again!Fire is spreading!

Thousands of brothers in arms would echo and join the fight as soon as you summoned them.

Winner takes all in hegemony!The winner is King!

KingLegend has striven to create a real shocking battle experience, arousing passion and regaining the long-lasting dream! 

The unchanging faith link you with your brothers to fight side by side again for the glory of the temple!

Create classic legend, we have been pursuing the dream, perhaps the dream has come.

Have fun at new heights in KingLegend!




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