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ID543171634 2019-06-12

Many women refuse to let go of any festival that can be spent, but only "March 8th Women's Day" is a festival that more and more women do not want to spend. The reason is that the term "women" essentially equates women's "age increase" with devaluation. In fact, people are afraid of being labeled as old age, so many women do not want to be called women, do not want to celebrate Women's Day.

Most women don't like to be asked, "How old are you?" OLAY launched a campaign in China, "The number of women, not age, but story."

This sentence is the core insight of OLAY's activities. When people see how old you are this year, it is not a question of age, but a number. It can represent your number. Starting from a daily problem, let the public pay attention to the stories and experiences behind age-independent figures. This insight echoes OLAY's age-free brand concept. In the advertisement, we saw Lin Zhiling say she is 30, because she has been a model, actress, volunteer. ... She has 30 different life experiences. With the cool women's declaration, the girls of this era are strong and independent enough. They don't shy away from their age, and even enjoy talking about their age. They have age-free attitudes and more insights than age figures.

OLAY has formed brand value and brand spirit through content marketing activities. Fear-free age is not just a slogan. For OLAY, it is not only a commitment to the product, but also a spiritual call. A dialogue with Chinese women. The concept of fearless age has been deeply embedded in OLAY's brand blood, encouraging women to get rid of age fetters and realize their life value.

"The number belongs to women, not age, but story" is conveying to people: belong to the power of women in an era, women can decide their own number, redefine their own value. In today's era, women will face more opportunities, but also some challenges from themselves and the outside world. The movement of women's ideological rise initiated by OLAY is to support women's continuous exertion of influence and creativity. To encourage women to get rid of age constraints, self-confidence and self-identity, help women find their own value.

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