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法国潮尚服饰品牌 - Maison Kitsuné
Dopamine 2020-05-26

“Maison” is the French word for “house, and “Kitsuné” is the Japanese word for “fox”, a symbol of versatility. Legend has it, the fox possesses the power to change its appearance, just like Maison Kitsuné knows how to adapt its repertoire according to inspiration. Since the brand’s inception, this mythical animal has been Maison Kitsuné’s signature logo, fluidly working its way in, here and there – and of course, shifting faces along the way. The blue-white-red colorway is the fox’s most famous uniform, as it captures the very essence of the Maison Kitsuné Parisien lifestyle.

Maison Kitsuné 创立于2005年,前身是创立于2002年的Kitsuné音像公司. Kitsuné是日本语“狐 | キツネ“的字母拼写, Maison是法国语,含义是房子. 在中国通常称为法国狐狸. 

目前, 在北美及亚洲和欧洲拥有400多家专卖店. 在中国上海, 2018年成立了第一家专卖店,其后2019年又开设第二家专卖店及Kitsuné Café. 

法国狐狸2020年秋/冬预售商品将在2020年08月开始出市.需要购买的客户,请到 了解详情. 

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