LOFTER for ipad —— 让兴趣,更有趣

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Bree 2019-06-12

The copywriting plays an indispensible role in the whole process of advertising operation. Advertising copywriting skills are very important. It takes a lot of hard work for advertisers to use accurate, concise, vivid and moving language to express advertisements.

An advertisement must have language ecpression in order to accurately transmit advertisement information and play the role of information bridge of advertisement. At the same time, advertising copywriting has a direct impact on the advertising effect. If people do not like to read or have no reaction after reading it, and can not arouse the desire to buy, then the advertising copywriting is a failure. Therefore, excellent advertising copywriting should have the following functions

1.Get a person's attention

2.Stimulate people's need

3.Maintain people's impressions

4.Promote people to buy.

As far as the general function of advertising copywriting is concerned, the requirements of advertising copywriting are different for different types of advertising. For example, classified small advertising, advertising copywriting plays a major role in informing. Idea advertisement plays an important role in strengthening corpoate image.

There are some examples I found from internet:

1) Cheese Rolling

There are some examples I found from the internet. The first poster is designed for cheese roliing, the copywrite directly show the audience what they are made of. The advantage of the posters is that it can catch audience's eyes,  people could now the material of the cheese rolling. It is a good example of copywriting.

2) New Skin Liquid Bandages

Similar to the above form, the text of this case is mainly based on the efficacy of the product. The text is outlined in the form of hair, highlighting the characteristics of the product, so that consumers can find out the positioning of the product at a glance.

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