LOFTER for ipad —— 让兴趣,更有趣

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Digital Medium
Bree 2019-06-13

Whether an advertisement can produce results depends on whether it can successfully attract the attention of the audience. In the era of repeated bombardment of traditional advertising information, this overload of information is mostly unrelated to themselves. People often screen out many blind spam advertisements without even looking at them, resulting in many advertisements have no effect at all.

Today, with the deep development of the Internet, interactive advertising takes advantage of the new communication technology that communicates with the audience, adopts a more reasonable interactive communication mode, breaks through the limitations of time and space, and information dissemination is far faster and better than traditional advertising in terms of speed and quality.

Did you find a strange phenomenon? When you watch TV dramas suddenly pop up an advertisement, your heart is very disgusted, and when you search for a certain kind of product or content on the Internet, pop up the corresponding advertisement, you like to watch it. Why is that? Because this advertisement is what you want to see.

There are some examples of digital advertising.

The vedio

The "The Internet Remembers" campaign, launched by BBDO Australia for DrinkWise, aims to remind young Australian drinkers of their responsible attitude towards alcohol

The event takes the form of an interactive AR gallery, which has five cornerstone pedestals, each of which contains an augmented reality experience. 

Once the digital experience is activated, a bronze statue depicting an embarrassing drunk appears on the screen of the user's mobile phone. The voiceover will tell the story, just like the stories in galleries around the world. 


The campaign reminds young drinkers that once their drunken behavior is uploaded online, they will always be there. Their hangover may last only one day, but their reputation may be ruined forever. 


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