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Privacy Policy
mihuan 2022-01-26

Dear user, Hello!

     Your privacy is very important to us. This Privacy Policy governs the information we collect about you and your use of the information we provide to you.   

    The Company places great importance on protecting the privacy of its users and undertakes not to disclose or provide information to third parties without the user's permission as part of the normal operating procedures of the Company's services. When the Company is required by governmental authorities to disclose personal information in accordance with legal procedures, the Company will provide personal information as requested by law enforcement agencies or for the purpose of public safety. The Company shall not be liable for any disclosure under such circumstances.  

   1.To obtain prior authorization from the user   

   2. As required by relevant laws and regulations   

   3. In accordance with the requirements of the relevant government authorities    

   4. To protect the interests of the public   

   5. To maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the platform   

   Personal and company information.  

   The Company respects and protects the user's personal privacy, and the "personal data" used in this regulation refers to the information that can be used to identify you, and the Company will not actively handle your personal data or disclose it to a third party without your personal permission or in accordance with the mandatory provisions of relevant laws and regulations. However, we reserve the right to carry out additional processing in specific circumstances to the extent permitted or required by law, or in order to cooperate with judicial or criminal investigations.  

   -When you register on our website and use our services, with your consent and confirmation, we will ask you to set up an email address and password to identify you in case you lose your password. If you disclose your password, you may lose your personally identifiable information and legal consequences may result to your detriment. You should contact us immediately if the account and password are potentially or actually at risk for any reason, and we will not be liable for any loss or damage until we take action.  

   -You shall provide us with your email address when you register for the account, and you may choose to fill in additional information (including, but not limited to, your company's province and city, time zone and postal code, real name, etc.).   

  -Without your consent and confirmation, we will not use the information provided by you in our specific activities for other purposes. 

                                                         Beijing Honeybadger Studio Entertainment Co.

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