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Reversing life
Reversing life 2019-12-20

Heavyweight mobile game of the year《Reversing life》,National mobile games created by tens of millions of players!Transformation system,Wing evolution;Player cross server battle,Reward comprehensive upgrade;Grand wedding dress parade!Equipment artifact collection,Create your own personal shape!

【entirely new sensory】
《Reversing life》New modeling adopted,Grand map,Beautiful scene,Satisfy players' eyeballs。At the same time, each Sects is equipped with various cool skills,Great visual impact!

【Wonderful battle】
There are many ways to play PVE and PVP in the game,for example——Family war for hegemony,Each family player wins points by defeating the opponent within the specified time,The family with the highest score will win。In addition, there are world boss, cross server battle, battle strength ranking, treasure digging and other wonderful playing methods!

【A godsent marriage】
Hold a grand wedding,in《Reversing life》,Looking for the beloved people,Live and die together,There is a unique marriage system in the game,You can send invitations to all server friends、Welcome and patrol、Get married in the auditorium and so on Marriage scene of real restoration,There are more ways to play after marriage!

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