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Photo Correction Support
colorlemonstudio 2020-02-11

Photo Perspective Correction Support

Photo Perspective Correction is a professional correction software that automatically correct photos you’ve taken where the subject appears tilted or distorted. simple operations can also get very professional effect. it straighten and adjust distorted pictures; correct non-rectangular distorted pictures into rectangular images; it can also distort photos or graphics. There are two modes to fix distorted photos:Auto Correction mode and Fine Correction mode.

-Fix distorted problems in photos: such as distortion, imbalance, tilt,etc.

-Correct oblique objects in pictures;

-Straighten the horizon

-Straighten photos

-Correct images of 70+ formats

Photo Perspective Correction has two operating modes:Auto Correction mode and Fine Correction mode.

1.Auto Correction mode

The system automatically recognizes distorted pictures, automatically identifies and corrects the edges of pictures, and automatically corrects pictures. As long as you import the original picture, you can get professional repair results.

-Drag the picture directly into the software or onto the icon

-Automatically identify and correct complex perspective problems

-Automatic recognition and optimization to the maximum visible area

-Save the corrected pictures

2. Fine Correction mode

In Fine Correction mode, you can adjust and repair the picture according to your tastes.

-Optimal control of  double group adjustable quads

-Display correction results in real time

-Save the corrected pictures

Please send an email to, if you have any problems.


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