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Photo Sketch Support
colorlemonstudio 2020-03-16

Photo Sketch Support

Photo sketch is a professional software that uses state-of-the-art algorithms to turn your photos into high-quality pencil sketches, it can also generate pencil strokes with transparent backgrounds  for further free creation based on your ideas.


To sketch a photo, you just need drag and drop your photo into Photo Sketch window.

Key features:

- Enable the engine for tone drawing; 

- Fast,Displays results in real time;

- Save sketches in original size;

- Colorize with original colors;

- Set pen color;

- Set pen size;

- Set background color;

- Generate pencil strokes with transparent background for further free creation after saving;

- More than 20 different paper backgrounds provided;

- Adjust brightness and contrast;

- Compare instantly the Original/Sketch;

- Photo Sketch supports many photo image formats:JPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF, JPF…

Please send an email to, if you have any problems.


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