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用CNV 进行LUAD的生存和复发的预测

文章:Comprehensive Profiling of Gene Copy Number Alterations Predicts Patient Prognosis in Resected Stages I–III Lung Adenocarcinoma


1.163个样本的CNV 数据(样本来自医院)

2.applied the univariate proportional hazards analysis to CNAs of all genes, and discovered 16 significantly amplified CNAs that derived increased hazards of death

3.validated by  whole genome CNAs and gene expression data of 506 lung adenocarcinoma were downloaded from TCGA database

4.molecular classification analysis by using NMF to cluster copy number profiles of 163 LUAD tumors to cluster  (但是文中说考察瘤内异质性   奇怪)

5.analysis the result of classify ,according to the OS, the location of cnv

6.associated the recurrence with cnv type

总结:正常套路   CNV 的分析   GISTIC2.0安装与使用

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