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Benefits Of Battery Systems
朴石 2020-03-03

Energy storage systems are now a reality, and homes like yours is where it begins. In the next few years, we will see a fundamental shift in the way all energy users meet their energy requirements and how utility providers integrate with storage systems. For home owners, they can benefit right now from energy storage in a variety of ways.

Optimising Solar Power

Excess solar energy produced during the day is sold back to the retailer for a fraction of what home owners pay. Now energy storage systems will enable home owners to store their excess energy and use it at peak times, like late afternoon. This increases self consumption of solar energy and improves the return from a solar power system.

Peak Shaving

Almost all energy providers offer time of use tariffs. These tariffs charge a premium for energy during peak times, like the middle of the day in summer, while offering lower rates during non peak times. Energy storage systems enable homes to purchase and store energy at non peak times and use it at peak times, reducing their energy costs.

Backup Power

Energy storage systems can be configured to provide backup power in the event of an outage. Home owners can choose to run their whole house, or configure essential circuits - like lights, fridges, security, fire alarms, internet or medical equipment. This is perfect for people in remote or unreliable power areas orfor those who can’t  risk losing power.

Types of Energy Storage Systems

Storage systems for the home can fall into three main categories, DC Coupled, AC Coupled and Hybrid. Retrofitting is possible, however those purchasing new systems are encouraged to purchase a Hybrid inverter, for direct battery connection now or later. Each option has benefits and drawbacks, so consultant with an expert to determine which is right for you.



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