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河南基础训练 小白卷 八年级下册 英语 听力原文及答案






1.M:You look trmible. What' s the mattler with you?

W:I feel cold and 1 have a nning nose.I am afraid I have a cold.

2.W: Where is your grandmother?

M:She is in the hospital because of a heart problem.

3.M:Did Tony cut himsell yesterday?

w:No.It's his brother Tom cut the night hand by himself.

4.M: Anna didn' 1 go to school this moming. What happened to ber?

W :She fell down when she played tennis . and hurt her leg.

5.W : Do you think I should stay in the hospital?

M:I don't think so.Take some medicine , and have a

good rest for a few days.

答案:1-5 CBCCA





W :Hello ,young man. Whar's wrong with you?

M:I just can' I seep well at night.

W :When did it start?

M:It started this Monday.And it' s Sunday today.

W :Oh, thatr's too bad.Are you tired al work?


W :Do you often worry a lot?

M:Yes,doetor.I want to make more money.I' ve just

bought a new house.I' m always feeling anxious.It

makes me more tired after I wake up.

W:I see. Well,don' t think 1oo much.Ty to go to bed at

the same time every nigh,

M:Can I drink much cffe before going to bed?

w :No, but you may drink some milk. Remember to get

enough exercise and keep relaxed.

M:OK.I' II try it.Thanks a lot.

答案:6-7 AA


W :Help . ambulance!

M :Madum . what happened to you?

W:It's not's my son.He fell off the stairs and

hurt his head.He is bleeding.

M:Don't wory , madam. But where do you live?

W :On Fenghuang Street.Oh,No. 262.

M: OK. The ambulance will get to your house in 5


W : What should I do now?

M:Iet your son lie down and clean his blood by using a

clean towel.Then you press the wound.

W:Please. . quickly! .

M:OK, wait for a few minutes.

答案:8-10 BCA


A cold is a common ilness.It often starts with a sore roat.It is not serious, but you may feel very bad. What

ould you do when you have a cold? You should have a

od rest frst.h' s good to drink a lot of waler , too You can

e a doctor and lake some medicine. Maybe you can tr

inese medieine that is now very popular around the world.

hat should you do to stop a cold? One important thing is to

ercise more often.Running, swiming or even walking can

lp a lot.It's also important to go to bed and get up early.

nally , it's important to have a balanced dietIf you ecan do

ese, , you will hardly ever eatch a cold again.

答案:11-12 AA


M: What' s the matter with you?

W:I' s my leg. doctor, my right leg.I keep gtting a

strange pain in it.

M:Could you describe the pain to me?

W:It's like boiling water running down my leg.I feel

it's getting worse.I ean't sleep.

M:You mean the pain keeps you awake?

W:Yes, that's righ.Do you think i' s serious ,doctor?

M: Probably not,

W:But my doctor thinks it's only that I' m 1oo tired.

M:That could't be the reason.Don' t womy.We'll give

you a few tests here in our hospital.

答案:13- -15 CBA

第三节听下面一篇短文。 根据短文内容,按照你听到的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。

Five students are tlking about their problems to the doctor.They want to ask for help.

Hello! My name is Henry.These days,I often have a

stomachache.I went to a doctor bull he said nothing was

wrong.What's the maller with me? Is it because I only eat

much junk food eveny day? I' m not sure about it.

Good aftermoon, Mr. Wang.I am David.I can'↑sleep

well every night. Every night,I had to count sheep,“One

sheep,two seep..."So I am not active enough to do

anything well next day. Even in class,I am sleepy. What

should I do?

Hi.l am Susan.I like cooking very much. I often help

my mother cook meals.But last night,I cut my finger when I

was in the kitchen. What should I do for my finger?

Good moming.My name is Jenny.I had a lothache.My

teeth were uncomfortable from yesterday aftermoon.I can' ↓

eat hard and eold food. My grandma said I ate too much

candy.I need to stop eating candies and brush my teeth twice

a day.Can you give me more good advice?

I am Aron.I was unlucky. Yesterday evening,I went to

eal in the estaurant with my family. In the restaurant, I

talked and laughed, But suddenly,I fell down on the floor.

found there was some water.So I hurt my back.Can I get an

X-ray this moming?

答案:16--20 DECAB

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