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Immortality Legend

Ten years classic, immortal legend comes! Restore the most primitive painting style of end tour, instantly arouse your youth memories and ignite the hot flame! Brothers together, a knife to break the dawn, recast hegemony!

[featured games]

◆ the explosive rate is super high when the God is full: only for the classic, we don't play the virtual, the magic weapon is available when it is opened. How high is the explosive rate? Try it and you'll see. Don't suck up your equipment anymore.

◆ supreme glory, jointly cast: join the new voice system, open black communication barrier free. Supremacy, only strength can achieve, call your brother, fight to the last moment

◆ summon of God's favor, battle helper: with war favor, help you fight every battle. With a variety of powerful attribute skills, it's important to have a powerful assistant in the game to win every victory with you

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