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7 Coercion Taming your data
子苔 2019-03-14


It is possible to transform your data from one type to the other. Next to the class()      class 的RDocumentation)class function, you can use the as.*()    functions to enforce data to change types.

For example, 

var <- "3"var_num <- as.numeric(var)

converts the character string "3" in var to a numeric 3 and assigns it to var_num. However, keep in my that it is not always possible to convert the types without losing information or getting errors.但是转换会损失一些信息 譬如小数点的数字没法保留小数点 只能四舍五入到整数

as.integer("4.5") integer本身就是取整数

as.numeric("three") The first line will convert the character string "4.5" to the integer 4. The second one will convert the character string "three" to an NA.


  • var1 is logical. Convert it to character and assign it to the variable var1_char.

  • Next, see whether var1_char actually is a character by using the is.character()

character function on it.

  • var2 is numeric. Convert it logical and assign it to the variable var2_log.

  • Inspect the class of var2_log using class().

  • Finally, var3 is of type character. Convert it to numeric and assign the result to var3_num. Was it successful?



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