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Week 4 (18th Mar. 2017)
其其陈陈 2017-04-14

In order to prepare for the party on Mar. 18th, the Hanfu association had rehearsed for many times,and we shot and recorded a lot.

On Thursday, I went to the office of Lanting Calligraphy Association with Berry (the director of our group) to find an appropriate place for interviewing the leader of Hanfu association. We chose the office of Lanting Calligraphy Association for the reason that there was some Chinese traditional furniture there, which was very beautiful and suitable for the topic of our interview.

We checked the light and the sockets there in order to avoid problems. Fortunately, all of these things were okay in that room.

On Saturday afternoon, the Hanfu association held their formal anniversary party. We shot and recorded this activity. However, we didn’t use any tripods when shooting them. Therefore, I am afraid that the videos we shot were shaky and unstable.

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